Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to all!

Mr. G and I drove up to Texarkana after work on Friday and celebrated Christmas with the Gross family over the weekend. Since we were all together, it was decided that everyone would just tell the kids that Sunday was Christmas so that we were all together to watch them open their presents. Christmas is so much fun with little ones around. Plus, its fun to see other family's traditions. One big difference is that in Matt's family, "Santa" presents aren't wrapped, they are set up all around the tree. So there were train sets, bikes, dolls, trucks, and a trampoline all in the living room. It creates quite a scene for the kids to wake up to. I think this tradition is one Matt and I will incorporate with our kids. Pretty neat!

After the Christmas celebration wound down Sunday, Matt and I headed back to Arlington. I was on call Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so I had to get back. Christmas Eve we spent with my mom and Doug and did our gift exchange. All of our family definitely spoiled us, as they always do. We sure are a lucky couple! Matt and I did our gift exchange later that night. Every major holiday we set a limit on how much we will spend on each other. And every year, we both completely disregard it. If we spoil each other so much, our baby is in for a treat!

The plan for Christmas was that ALL the Grosses (and my mom and Doug) would come to our house for the big meal. Mother Nature decided that wasn't going to happen. Snow, ice, and wind meant driving was much too dangerous. So instead, Matt and I had a quiet Christmas just the two of us. We went outside and played with the dogs in the snow, watched a couple reruns of Breaking Bad, had a snowball fight, and made snow angels in the front yard. We lost all desire to cook, so instead we drove aimlessly around Arlington looking for the best fast food joint open on Christmas day. I can have fun doing anything with my hubby!

This weekend was the first time I had people tell me I was "showing". As excited as that made me, I really just look thicker than normal. There isn't any roundness to my belly. So to a stranger, I don't look pregnant, just a little bigger than I actually am. My new goal is to look pregnant by my birthday- and I think I will! Hooray! This week (15) the baby is the size of an apple or an orange, depending on which website you read. January 24th is our next big appointment. That's the day we have our anatomy ultrasound and they tell us the sex of the baby if we want to know. Regardless what we decide, it will be great to get another picture of our little one now that they look more baby like.

Isn't he cute?
I love our first home!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hello 2nd Trimester!

They say the second trimester is the easiest, but I had a pretty easy first trimester so we’ll see. Nothing is really new on the baby front. I am at the end of my 13th week, the baby is nearly the size of a lemon, and it’s pretty much smooth sailing until the third trimester. My belly has gotten a little thicker but my pants still fit and nobody except Matt and I can tell a difference. I got to hear our little stinker’s heart beat again this week. This time my doctor was in charge and he let me record the sound. It took him about 15 seconds to find it and I was not prepared for this delay so I began to worry. I tried to look calm on the outside but on the inside I was freaking out. That little lub-dub sound was music to my ears! The heart rate was 160 this week. He/She is working so hard!

My hubby was out of town this week for work. I always hate when he leaves, but I do believe that absence makes the heart grow fonder. My mom and I took advantage of his trip and spent a girl’s day shopping for baby stuff. I normally hate shopping, but shopping for your baby is quite fun! Plus, now I have more ideas on how to decorate our gender-neutral nursery. I am glad Matt and I are not finding out the sex of Baby Gross but it sure does complicate things sometimes!

Before he left, Matt got our Christmas lights hung so our Christmas decorating is complete. It’s such a relief to have it all done but in the back of my mind I realize it all has to be taken down in a few weeks! Now we are gearing up for many different Christmas celebrations we have coming up. It is certainly going to be a busy time for us but we can’t wait to spend it with family.

Christmas tree and Matt's presents. 

Christmas living room!

Mr. Gross, Mrs. Gross, and Baby Gross

The four legged children's stockings. :)

13 weeks. Belly: 30 inches.