Thursday, April 9, 2015

One month to go...

I am officially one month away from D-Day and time doesn't seem to be slowing down any. I've procrastinated getting stuff ready because it still seems a little unreal. I haven't even gotten a bassinet ready for them to sleep in yet! Matt and I had names picked out but of course now that it's down to the wire we are having second thoughts. Our baby may be nameless and not have a place to sleep but he/she will certainly be loved! We can't wait to meet our second love bundle! 

Recent happenings:

- 3D Ultrasound. Immediately when he saw the face he said "Looks just like Weston!". Needless to say, he now thinks we're having a boy. 

-Weston has started singing basically all the time. Our song choices are either "Twinkle Star" or "ABC song". He actually does a pretty good job at the lyrics but I can never seem to catch it on camera. Here is a little video of him singing while he sits half buried in a pile of books. It's not his best rendition but it's still stinkin' cute. The arm thing is not just his rad dance moves, it's actually him signing "star".

-We had a garage sale to clear out room for our growing assortment of toys and baby gear. It was a lot of work but we sold nearly everything and made a decent chunk of change so it served its purpose!

-My Dad and Julie came for a quick visit over Easter. Weston had a blast. 

Upcoming Events:

Oh, you know, just the birth of our second child. No big deal.