Thursday, January 14, 2016

Holiday Recap

The holidays have come and gone and it’s nice to be able to breathe a little easier now. I really do love the hustle and bustle of it all, but I equally love the slow down afterwards. My kiddos were the cutest for Halloween. We took them to a trunk-or-treat and were pleasantly surprised by all the activities there were. Weston got to play all kinds of toddler games to earn tickets which he used to buy prizes. How neat! Thanksgiving and Christmas are really a blur- though a happy blur. We were fortunate to spend quite a bit of time with our family all while celebrating Christmas day in our own house. There is just something so warm about that! And with all the family get togethers, I don’t think my children’s feet hit the ground the entire month of December! They’re so fortunate to know so much love.

Hannah is now 8 months old and army crawling like a champ! She loves to stand with help and is starting to take some very wobbly steps if you hold her hands. She has started clapping and signing “more”. She is still a super happy baby and we are so thankful for that! It is funny though, because she is certainly more sensitive than Wes ever has been. Often times she will nestle into that little crevice of your neck and just sit….wide awake… for long periods of time. I cannot get enough of this. Unfortunately, she still hates riding in her car seat at night. Matt and I play co-ed softball on Friday nights and recently a good friend of ours (who is also on the team) carpooled with us to our game. He quickly learned that we did not exaggerate Hannah’s hysterics. He hasn’t ridden with us since. Oh Hannah Mae….

Booger is just such a little man. There is no semblance of baby left in him. At home, he uses the potty almost every time with no issues. At school though, he has no interest. His teachers have been so good at working with him though, so I am sure it’s only a matter of time. At least that’s what I tell myself.  He is such a daddy’s boy and this makes me both slightly irritated (like when I try to sing a song in the car and he tells me to stop so daddy can sing it to him) and so, so proud at the same time (like when he and Matt wrestle and I can hear giggles upon giggles from across the house). He loves soccer and baseball and his little sister. His easy going nature is both contagious and uplifting. 

A trip to the FW Zoo

Pumpkin patch train with daddy.

School picture

Playing with friends at school.

Hannah Mae in the same costume Wes wore!

School pictures

School pictures

Thanksgiving with Mom and Doug

Fall family photos

Home Depot trips are highly anticipated  in our house

These moments are my favorite.

Find the cute kid!

These are the snuggles I mentioned!!

Stretching before soccer with the big kids

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Daily Life

Sometimes, wait scratch that, most of the time, I feel like I'm just trying to keep up with the day to day. I rarely feel like I am ahead of the game anymore. Because of that, I am actually a little proud that it has only been about 4 months since my last post! Hey, life is all about perspective-right?

I can't think of any better description of the last four months than absolutely beautiful, exhausting chaos. My house never seems to be clean. There's always dishes in the sink (which I hate!). Laundry often sits on the guest bed for a couple several days before it gets folded. We eat out way too often because making dinner some days feels equivalent to climbing Mt. Everest with an elephant strapped to my back. I can't manage to send a birthday/anniversary/wedding gift out on time. We got back from Arizona over a week ago and Matt's suitcase is still only partially unpacked. Our garage is quickly filling up with stuff that all needs something done to it. But you know what else? There has been more laughter in our house than ever before. We get together often with friends and family. Weston puts himself to bed in his own room without so much as a whimper. Matt and I are learning to make the most of our time together as husband and wife. Hannah started taking a bottle and, though I didn't know it was possible, smiles more now than ever before.There's artwork from Sunday school on my fridge, and a muddy pair of boots from playing outside in Weston's closet. Sure there are days where I feel like a hamster in a wheel, but there are more days where I feel richer than I could deserve.

Both of our babes seem to be growing up so fast. Hannah is 4 months old and ridiculously happy. I have never seen a baby smile so much, or have so much to say. She is definitely a gabber! She's rolling all over the place and has the tippy tip of a tooth poking through. She likes sitting and standing or playing in her jumper. She also likes blowing bubbles and sucking on her hands and feet. Just, whatever you do, do NOT put her in her car seat when she's not wanting to go in her car seat. She will 

Weston has always been ahead of his years verbally but lately he talks in clear, thought out paragraphs. Sometimes Matt and I are in shock of an idea he puts together and tells us. He gets ridiculously excited over motorcycles and police cars. He still loves to play soccer and baseball. He knows all of his letters (upper and lowercase!) and most of numbers 1-10. But the little rascal is definitely in his terrible twos. Ho-ly cow. There are some days I bet he says "no" 50 times- and I wish that was an exaggeration. You can be having a blast tickling his tummy and then try to tickle his foot, and he will loose his marbles. If he wants to play with a truck and you bring him one, I don't care which one you brought him, it was the wrong one. I guess this is when you have to kick your parenting into high gear. We try to stay calm, consistent, and firm. That should be my new mantra! Thank the good Lord that this isn't an every day rigmarole, otherwise there may be one cute little boy for sale cheap!

Some cute Weston sayings:

Dad: "Come on Wes it's time to brush your teeth!"
Weston: "I'm too busy right now."

Mom: "Oh bubs, did you fall down and hurt your butt?"
Weston (crying): "Yah Momma, kiss my butt"

Weston: "I've got to go pee-pee on the potty."
Mom: "Okay buddy, lets go!"
Weston: "Nevermind, I'll just pee on the floor." (And he sure did!)

Some not so cute Weston sayings:

Dad: "Wes, go get your soccer ball."
Weston: "NO, YOU GO GET IT!"

Mom: "Oh calm down Weston, all I did was kiss your forehead."
Weston: "No Momma! That's my forehead, not yours, and you can't kiss it!"

RECENT EVENTS:  Hannah's 4 month check up. She weighed 16lbs 9 oz (88th percentile), she was 25.5 inches tall (86th percentile), and he head size was 42.3cm (80-90th percentile). My Dad got married so we traveled to AZ for the wedding. Matt and I went to see Garth Brooks. We also had our 3 year anniversary.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Kid's first trip to SeaWorld. Halloween (because lets face it, I probably wont post again before then).

Another season of soccer in the books!
Petting zoo
Drive through safari park
Perot Museum with Allie and Austin
Our boy is TWO!
Weston's Birthday Party

Wes and his bud, Bentley

Date night at the horse races
4th of July at Gigi and Toppy's

Balloon release for my brother's 32nd Birthday
Hangin' by the pool
Gross family get together
First day of daycare/work
Rangers game number 2

Weston's first catch!