Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Getting Back Into It.

I haven't been as mentally involved in this pregnancy as I was with Weston. I could blame it on a number of reasons- being kept busy by a toddler, having the "been there, done that" mentality, etc- but I still feel guilty about it. So one of my resolutions is to begin blogging again! I love looking back at Weston's first year- it'll be fun to do the same with this nugget.

I'm already 31 weeks pregnant. I can't believe how fast it has gone. I feel huge, my clothes never seem to fit right, and my pelvis hurts like heck. But all in all, it's been a relatively easy ride. This baby is far more active then Weston was. I sometimes wonder when he/she sleeps! Weston is obviously too young to grasp the full significance of the baby in mommy's tummy but he sure does love to give them hugs and kisses. He also covers up my stomach and pats it when the baby needs to "seep". His favorite thing to do though by far is give "baby bumps". When I'm laying down he lifts up both of our shirts and then jumps on me belly-to-belly. Sometimes it's cute. Sometimes not so much.

Matt and I are trying to do some work around our house. Do all couples feel like they are constantly fixing and updating their home or is that just us?

I recently finally got around to somewhat decorating the nursery. This baby's room is much smaller than Weston's room so there's no way all the typical furniture would fit. I really like the general feel of the room, it just needs some more personal touches... and I haven't got around to that. We have our 3D ultrasound next week so hopefully we will get some good pictures of our love bug. I'll post a couple pictures of the room thus far along with some of our recent adventures.

A little progress on the nursery!
Weston started soccer! Once he learned to wait his turn, he really started enjoying it!
We had a snow day in February!
At the park.
Sweet boy at Austin's 4th birthday party. 
This was a short 3D movie playing at Legoland. Wes was only moderately interested.

We walked down to the ball fields by our house to watch the little leaguers. Needless to say, we can't wait for booger to start.

Everyday we have to "feed the pig".